Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

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Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

Postby lisaray » Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:49 am

My daughter just got a call that she is grand prize winner in the "Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget" Sweepstakes. I remember seeing it somewhere, but don't show record of entering it. Was this through y'all? It'a a trip/2 to NYC, Meet-and-greet, tickets to the concert AND opportunity to sing a song onstage with the group! She is thrilled! (Me too - i get to go with her.) Let me know if this was through Sweepstakes Ninja.
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Re: Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720!

Postby SweepstakesNinja » Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:52 pm

Congratulations! Yes, that was one of the big prizes in Sweepstakes Ninja, from CMT!
And yes, it's worth $1,720!


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Re: Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

Postby lisaray » Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:42 pm

Yep, that's the one! (By FAR our biggest win via Sweepstakes Ninja!)
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Re: Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

Postby SweepstakesNinja » Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:26 pm

Congratulations again, that's truly awesome!


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Re: Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

Postby pagel1rc » Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:19 am

Congrats! Nice win. Sounds like you and your daughter are going to enjoy NYC.

Keep winning and posting.

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Re: Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

Postby lisaray » Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:38 am

The trip was great. However, there was a mixup, and she did not get a change to sing onstage with them. They sent her an extra tank top, hoodie and cd, which arrived today, and said they will give her the opportunity to sing with them when they play a venue close to our home. (They will provide tickets, meet & greet again, and the singing opprotunity.) They play aonly about 30 miles from our home on Dec 12, so this works out very well, and she got the extras as well. Nice!
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Re: Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

Postby banti » Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:28 am

8-) Wonderful news Lisa!
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Re: Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

Postby dattie11 » Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:25 pm

Wow! Nice prize-congratulations!
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Re: Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

Postby lisaray » Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:09 am

On December 12, we did get to go to another Love & Theft concert, about 30 miles from our home. (They gave us 3 tickets, rather than the promised 2, so my husband could go too.) This time, my daughter DID get to go up on stage with them, as they sang the song "Fishin'." She was a little nervous at first, but they put her right at ease. The DJ who performed prior to the bands came over to our table afterward and asked me to take her picture with him on his cell. He did email it to us. She had a great time, and I was very glad that she got to do this as well.
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Re: Love and Theft's That Night You'll Never Forget ($1,720)

Postby SweepstakesNinja » Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:39 am

That's fantastic! Congratulations! :)
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